Complaints Policy

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Complaints Policy

Dr Newmans Clinic and UK Vein Clinic are part of UK Vein Clinic Group Ltd (registered no12661713).
We believe that everyone has the right to expect a positive experience and good treatment outcome. In the event of a concern or complaint, you have a right to be listened to and to be treated with respect. UK Vein Clinic Group Ltd manages complaints properly so that your concerns are dealt with appropriately.

We also believe that complaints are also a valuable source of feedback; they provide an audit trail and can be early warning signs of failure in service delivery. By handling complaints well, they provide an opportunity to improve our service and reputation.

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that any complaints or concerns are correctly managed. Although an independent body, we aspire to meet the principles set out in the NHS constitution which are:
▪  The right to have any complaint made about our services dealt with efficiency and to have it properly investigated
▪  The right to know the outcome of any investigation into a complaint
▪  The right to take a complaint to independent review if the complainant is not satisfied with the way their complaint has been dealt with by us
▪  The commitment to ensure patients are treated with courtesy and receive appropriate support throughout the handling of a complaint; and the fact that they have complained will not adversely affect their future treatment
▪  When mistakes happen, they shall be acknowledged; an apology made; an explanation given of what went wrong; and the problem rectified quickly and effectively
▪  Demonstrating a commitment to ensure that the organisation learns lessons from complaints and claims and uses these to improve our services

Duties and Responsibilities

The UK Vein Clinic Group CQC Registered Manager holds overall responsibility for ensuring the development, implementation and operation of this policy regarding complaints. Our CQC manager can be contacted at the follow email address:

Complaint Time frames

Dr Newmans Clinic
 will normally accept a complaint from you, either:
(i) 12 months from the date on which the event (which is the subject of the complaint) occurred; or
(ii) 12 months from the date on which the event (which is the subject of the complaint) comes to the complainants notice

In reality, we will listen to all complaints no matter how old. The length delay may undermine our ability to accurately investigate the complaint fully.

Raising a complaint

You can raise a complaint or concern verbally, in writing or via email. Written complaints can be posted to Dr Newmans Clinic, 150 Harley Street, London, W1G 7LQ. Complaints via email should be sent to

Action upon receipt of a complaint

We will:
▪  Acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days verbally or in writing and at the same time
▪  Offer to discuss, at a time to be agreed with the complainant
▪  Decide the way the complaint is to be handed
▪  Ascertain the period within which the investigation of the complaint is likely to be completed and the response is likely to be sent to the complainant.

If you do not accept the offer of a verbal discussion to resolve matters, we will notify you in writing of the time we’ll be able to respond to your complaint.

We aim to resolve any matter as soon as it is received. All staff are appropriately trained to manage complaints competently. Complaints that are not resolved at the point of service, or that are received in writing and require follow up, are regarded as formal complaints. Formal complaints are normally responded to within 28 days.

Investigation and Response to Complaints

During any investigation, you will be kept informed of progress either verbally or in writing. The response will include:
▪  An explanation of how your complaint has been considered
▪  The conclusions reached in relation to your complaint, including any remedial action to be taken
▪  Details of how to seek arbitration or mediation if the complainant remains dissatisfied e.g.:
    ▪ Contact the Citizens Advice Bureau
    ▪ Seeking assistance from the Service Users Association
    ▪ Contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
    ▪ Raising the matter with the Care Quality Commission

Learning from complaints

We adopt a no-blame approach to complaints that we receive and recognise that all feedback provides an opportunity for us to develop and improve our service. As soon as possible after a complaint has been dealt with, we will ensure that those involved are given individual feedback and provide further training if required. 


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